Day One Access

DayONE Access

For Students: Accessing your coursework in Canvas | Guilford Technical Community College -- High Point Bookstore (

Creating Equitable Access for all Students

DayONE Access is the name of GTCCs inclusive access program ensuring that all students have fair and equitable access to course materials on the first day of classes. Inclusive access is a method of providing access to digital course materials inside of CANVAS, our Learning Management System, when an instructor uses interactive course software platforms or eBooks in place of printed text. The program allows GTCC to reduce student material costs in comparison to traditional print text or paper access codes, and ensures that every student has easy access in CANVAS  on the first day of class. In short, we have upgraded our course materials model to combine affordability and ease of access with 21st-century educational tools.


  • Reduce the overall cost of course materials.
  • Provide access on the first day of classes to products which improve educational outcomes for students.


  • When an instructor decides to include use of an interactive courseware platform or eBook in their curriculum, discount pricing is negotiated by the DayONE Access program.
  • Access to digital course materials is provided automatically for every student on the roster on the first day of class inside of CANVAS.
  • When you register for a DayONE Access class, a courseware fee will be assessed along with tuition for this class. This fee covers the cost of the digital course materials.  You can view your charges on Self Service,
  • During the drop/add period, students who choose not to use DayONE Access have the ability to opt out of the program in Canvas. By opting out, students will lose access to the digital course materials for their course.  If you do nothing you will stay opted in.  You can opt out through the 8th day of classes (6th day during summer term) using the DayONE Access link in CANVAS, but after that trial period no changes can be made.  
  • Students that opt out, or drop the course, will receive a refund for the course materials fee.


  • 30%-50% lower pricing than for printed textbooks.
  • Course materials available on DayONE of your class with no waiting in line for textbooks or shipping time/cost.
  • Your course materials are never out of stock and we don't leave you waiting for an online order or special order.
  • Increased interaction with course content leading to greater success in the course.
  • Your backpack gets a lot lighter to carry.
  • You can still print from most eBooks included in DayONE.  Just hole punch and place in a binder just the pages and chapters you'd like to review more thoroughly.  
  • Faculty select whether to participate in DayONE.  In fact at GTCC the entire department agrees to participate, ensuring that all sections use the same digital course materials and their is no confusion on which book to get.
  • DayONE materials offer many digital learning materials such as quizzes, tutorials, and videos to help you succeed, which are not offered in traditional books.
DayONE Access FAQs
  • What is DayONE Access? DayONE Access is the name of GTCCs inclusive access program. Inclusive access is a method of providing access to digital course materials when an instructor uses interactive courseware platforms or eBooks in place of printed text. The program allows our campus to reduce student material costs in comparison to traditional print text, and ensures that every student has easy access to the digital materials on the first day of class.
  • I'm having trouble accessing my DayOne in CANVAS, who should I contact?  You should contact your faculty member first and then your Dept. Chair for that course.  If it is still not resolved, then please contact the Campus Stores and we will assist you.  
  • How does a student pay for inclusive access? Financial aid students will have the charge deducted from their account; However all cash, check and credit card payments for courseware fees must be paid directly to the business office with your tuition payment prior to class starting. You can view your charges on Self Service, See "what if I decide to OPT-OUT below" for more information.  
  • What does BKFEE - Book/Courseware Fee on student statement mean? This is the fee associated with DayONE Access. Digital content for courses will be integrated with the college’s learning system, Canvas. Check with your GTCC Campus Store to find out if additional materials are needed for your course.
  • How do I receive DayONE Access for my course? All students using DayONE Access will receive a welcome email from prior to classes starting. The digital course materials will be integrated into Canvas. Please refer back to your welcome email.
  • I didn’t get an email about my DayONE Access course, but other students in my class did. Was I sent an email? The welcome email will come from . Be sure to check your spam folder.
  • What if I already purchased an access code for my upcoming DayOne Class?  Then you can opt out using the "Want to opt-out?" button in canvas.  You will be issued a refund for your fee back to your student account. If you are in a continuation course for a class such as MAT 172 , and you took the pre-requisite (MAT 171) at GTCC Fall 2022 you will receive an email with information about your refund.    
  • What does it mean to opt-out? When you opt out, access to all online content is disconnected, and you will be refunded for the courseware fee.
  • What if I decide to to “Opt Out”?  In your courses Canvas page there will be a module names DayONE Access and a link called DayONE Access where you can select opt out. You will receive a confirmation email once this has been complete. The deadline to complete opt out is the 8th day of classes (6th day during summer term). No refunds can be issued after this date as you are considered enrolled for the term. A refund will be issued to your student account within 4-6 weeks from the 8th day of classes (6th day during summer term). 
  • What if I miss the drop-add period and withdrawal from the course before the 8th day of class?  Usually all fees at GTCC are not refundable if you drop or withdrawal from a course after class begin.  DayONE courses will allow you to receive a refund for the BKFEE, courseware fee as long as you have dropped or withdrawn by the 8th day of class (6th day during  summer term).  
  • What if I made a mistake and want to opt back in? At the same DayONE Access link in Canvas, a student can change from opt out to opt in status prior to the 8th day of classes (6th day during summer term) not including the weekend. You can opt-in or out up until the 8th day of class (6th day during summer term), but whatever your selection is will stand for the duration of the course.  
  • Can I still purchase a physical copy of the book? Most courses that move to DayONE are already using digital learning course software and many offer an eBook inside of CANVAS.  Titan Printing allows students to print on campus for .08 per page for black and white and a slightly higher rate for color printing.  Some courses may have a print copy available at the Campus Stores for a discounted rate. *Please note that this printed copy would ONLY be for a loose-leaf version of the eBook which is already included in DayONE. Purchasing the print copy is an additional charge at the stores in addition to the courseware fee already paid for at the time of registration.    
  • I am using Federal Aid that does not allow a “course material fee.” How can I still save money and be included in such a great program? If you have Federal Aid such as the GI Bill®, you can still utilize DayONE Access! You will still pay the Business Office directly once you have registered for a DayONE course and your account has been charged the BKFEE, courseware fee. The “other charges” or “Book/Courseware Fee” is comparable to you purchasing textbooks up front in the bookstore.
  • What if a student must retake a DayONE Access course? Just like tuition, DayONE Access charges/fees will apply. DayONE Access is digital, therefore it cannot be reused. With few exceptions access to course materials provided in a DayONE courses are only accessible for 1 term.  
  • I have questions that weren’t addressed. Who can I contact for further help? If your question has not been answered in this FAQ, please email for more information.